Best Ever Alternative of Facebook



Facebook is the most ever and most popular social network ever in the world with the billions of users and it is well known by everyone even someone is child he or she have the knowledge about the Facebook that what is this or what is that.

So I'm not here to tell you that you should move to the alternative of Facebook which is Woddal but someone which want to use and want to see the best alternative and fresh alternative of the Facebook website its app and a messenger also of  Facebook then these three things also in this Woddal.

So the best alternative of the Facebook is Woddal which has in my opinion 85 to 90% of the same feature as Facebook has but not sure cause Facebook is a big ever website in the world and managed by best engineers and many more but Woddal is totally new and may be they have best developers but not a world level famous !
And also you can earn I have seen from some feature of Woddal  that if you post a picture or comment on any others or gave a react to others post there is the point gaining system so those points will be change in the Dollars means there is also earning system but I think if there is 1 thousand points (1000) then that will be equal to $1.

So if you want to join Woddal ? Click Here
